Tuesday, June 14, 2011

50 X 50 by Kunieda Saika

     Have you ever waken up in the morning, naked, laying next to someone, who is also naked, that you've despised since high school? Neither have I, which makes for a very interesting introduction to the lives of  Kawanishi and Higashino in this story 50 X 50, and the denial they have for the love they share. What denial? Exactly. The story contains one shots about their lives together, discussing their issues with women and their "non-existing" attraction for one another.
     One ongoing theme is the drink binging Kawanashi and Higashino partake in after they've been dumped; they get really drunk, go to one or the other apartment, and have sex. Then they wake up, freaked out, and deny the entire event. The first time it happens, is funny. The reader sees kiss marks on the characters' bodies, hinting at hickeys, and Kawanashi covers his chest like a woman trying to hide her breasts, which is very funny since he is a man.
     Yet after the first few times this theme gets rather boring and the reader wishes they'd just end this silly relationship or become a couple. Seriously. By the end of the story I wanted to go sassy straight friend on them and yell "What, what, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?". They aren't moving forward. They aren't growing and become boring characters. Not to mention, what starts as a love comedy turns into a pseudo- tragedy because neither man is able to fess up to his sexual preferences. So you're inlove with your enemy. Big deal. Your in love with someone of the same sex. Who cares. This is a Yaoi for God's sake, stop denying the attraction that is there! This theme, though, is what also makes the story very interesting and the characters funny, even though by the end of the story you want to smack them.I give the story a 6.7/10. Great plot, funny characters, yet needs some more growth. Not to mention, the ending just leavers a cliff hanger. What's up with that?

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